FLASH NEWS.................


Sunday, June 14, 2015


  Nurture, Nature for the future
 In our school the world environment day was celebrated on 5th June very grandly. Our head mistress Sr. Hilda Crasta inaugurated the function by distributing the plants for the student’s representatives. Three of our students delivered speeches in Kannada, English and Malayalam highlighting the significant of the day. They constantly reminded to save nature and save oneself.
After which a small cultural programme  was held, dance, group song and a few slogans were shouted out by the students , every class displayed charts, placards, drawings and slogans on nature. All the students were distributed plants by the teachers and demanded of them not only to plant but also to take care and to love the nature.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

School Praveshostva

"Well begun Half done" with this motto the Academic year 2015-16 was inaugurated at Holy Family A.S.B.school with a grand praveshostva. Around 150 new students were welcomed by school band which led the procession around the kumbla town. The procession was led by school manager Sr.Annie James, Headmistress Sr.Hilda and P.T.A president Shri Dolphie Dsouza. which was followed by stage programme in the school auditorium.